Diplomat 1007 - William's Sex Toy (AI Upscaled) Revised Remake 2

Diplomat 1007 - William's Sex Toy (AI Upscaled) Revised Remake 2 12:07 720p 12:07 393 riproduzioni
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Pubblicato il 1 year

The video number is right but I changed the name. Google it and you will know which video this is. Even though this is upscaled to 720p it is still low quality. The original copy I have is in porr shape and had a lot of compression artifacts that required me to upscale this 4 times. I then had to add an 80s film effect to give it some grain. Otherwise the deatil would of looked even worse. It's still blurry butit is a drastic improvement from the clip that is out there in cyberland. This lopp came with no sound whatsover so I used some music from the Alpha Blue Archives video Meat Sandwich. I then enhanced itto simulate stero. Next I worked on the edits. The sex parts were very short in the original so I used looping effects to make the fucking parts last longer. The same for the blowjob. The detail got very lost in parts. Due to poor lighting or even damage to the 8mm film itself. It's funy that this was the best version on the internet. And every version I seen came from the exact same source. It would be great if someone had a the original film loop and could transfer that onto to disc. Oh well. Anyway, I decided to make a story out of this. So I created a British females voice using AI software. Yes,, it's computer generated, not a real person. LOL. I made her British because I think British women have sexier voicees. I love their accents. I even used british terms like Bloke and Spunk. Well I did get carried away in the narration but I wanted it to be dirty. Afteral this woman acted like a whore and so I made her one. It's not the best results but it is an improvement from the original, as I have mentioned. Its, revised and rebuilt. It is now 5 minutes longer and I hope people download it and add it to their collection of old 8mm loops. Enjoy!

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